May 15 2009

Hey, at least I'm still alive (somehow...)

Categories: blogging hausbau personal .

Becoming an elk is always an option :)

Picture taken on our May 1st 2009 hike. Close to the ‘Trifelshütte’

While thunder is hitting Wurmberg really hard I thought it’s just about the right time to write another rather interesting blog entry to document all the crazy things that have happened since last December:

  1. 2009 has arrived
  2. I started coding again (this time objective-c and cocoa and it’s really hard for me to get used to that stuff)
  3. Our garding is nearing it’s completing
  4. …and Porsche is going into a direction I never imagined possible before…

Within the next 2 weeks my new bike from Focus will hopefully arrive and I guess this will reduce my free time in front of my Mac even more – so don’t expect the frequence of Blog entries to increase. But I’ll promise to update this page from time to time.


PS: An dem Hausblog über unser Haus von U-Haus mache ich auch noch in den nächsten paar Wochen einen Knopf ’dran: Wenn alles gut geht, wird demnächst die letzte ausstehende Arbeit erledigt sein….

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